When your employee asks you for help, how can you walk the tightrope between micromanaging (doing the work for them) and under-leading (failing to give enough guidance)? If you want your direct report to truly own their plan, they need to come up with their next steps themselves—with your support. Striking this balance is all about asking great questions. Here are a few to keep in your back pocket. 

* Get specific: “What are you planning to do next?”

* Get positive: “What’s already working for you in this process?”

* Get resourceful: “What else do you need to move forward?”

* Get collaborative: “Who else do you need to talk with/work with/align with?”

* Get tracking: “How will you measure progress?”

These questions may not be quick or easy for your employee to answer. If you get the sense that they need more of a directive approach, you can help by working through the questions with them.
This tip is adapted from “Coaching a Direct Report Who Asks for Your Help,” by Deborah Grayson Riegel

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